

The Team Leaves Cambridge Early this Morning.

This morning, at a few minutes after eight o'clock, the Harvard team will leave the Square to go to Princeton for the game tomorrow. The full list of players who will take their departure today is as follows:

A. Brewer, C. Brewer, Donald, Jaffray, Doucette, F. Shaw, Holt, Hallowell, Stevenson, Cabot, Newell, Borden, Beale, Wrightington, Gonterman, Fairchild, Dunlop, Rice, Haughton, Moulton, Connor, Fennessy, Gierasch, Hamlen, J. N. Shaw.

The men did little work yesterday. They went out and practiced signals and drop-kicking for awhile, but were sent in early.

It has been decided to ask H. L. Pratt, an old Amherst player, to referee the game, but no reply has yet been received from him. The umpires for the game will be Paul Dashiel and Frederic de Peyster Townsend, last year's captain of the Williams eleven.
