
Official Notice.

ENGLISH C.- Revised list of sections are posted outside the lecture rooms. The 12 o'clock sections will meet in Harvard 6.

ENGLISH B.- Members of English B will find to what section they are assigned by consulting this morning the bulletin boards in University Hall, south entry. Section II will meet in 16 University Hall; sections I and III in 24 Sever Hall.

BARRETT WENDALL.ECONOMICS 3.- There will be no lecture in Economics 3 Tuesday, October 8.

EDWARD CUMMINGS.ENGLISH A.- Revised lists of the sections and the subdivisions are posted in University.

Any man whose name is not on the list, or any who is assigned to a section which he cannot attend should immediately give written notice, at 7 Hollis stating fully the particulars of his case.


The subdivisions posted are for the rewriting this week. Slight changes will probably be made for the rewriting next week. Students should, therefore, consult the final lists, which will be posted in a few days.

For the lectures Tuesday and Thursday at 12 o'clock in Sever 11, a new alphabetical division of the class has been made: A-J, Tuesday at 12, K-Z, Thursday at 12.

The assignment of seats for the lecture Tuesday is posted in Sever 11.

B. S. HURLBUT.13 3t

HISTORY 5.- The class will meet on Tuesday in Sever 1 instead of in Divinity Library 3.

