

HARVARD MONTHLY.- Men wishing to present MSS. for the November number of the monthly will confer a favor by leaving them with the editor-in-chief before Oct. 17.

WINFRED T. DENISON, Editor-in-chief.11 3t

CAMBRIDGE LATIN SCHOOL CLUB.- The graduates of the Cambridge Latin School who are now members of the University are invited to meet in Hollis 22 at eight o'clock, Tuesday evening, Oct. 8, to form a Cambridge Latin School Club.

LACROSSE.- All candidates for the '96 lacrosse team be on Holmes Field at 4 o'clock.

R. H. E. STARR, Capt.'98 LACROSSE TEAM.- All men who are interested in the formation of a '98 class lacrosse team are urged to come out today at 4 o'clock on Holmes Field.


ADVOCATE.- Literary committee at 5 o'clock at 18 Holyoke House. Meeting at sanctum postponed till next Tuesday.

STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE.- Mr. Birtwell will be in Grays 17 today from 9 to 11 to consult with any men who are thinking of engaging upon any charitable work while in college, or who wish information on any matters of a kindred nature.

'VARSITY GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates at 9 Matthews on Thursday, October 10 at seven o'clock. All men in the University who can play either the guitar or mandolin are urged to try.

CHESS CLUB.- Regular weekly meeting at 7, Tuesday evening, in 1 Thayer Hall. Mr. J. F. Barr, the strongest resident chess player of New England, will play simultaneous games. All chess players in the University are again invited to attend the meeting and especially to enter the tournament, by signing the blue-book at Bartlett's and paying the entrance fee of fifty cents.

