The Brown Herald published yesterday an appeal to the student body, which shows that the football affairs at the college this year are in a bad way.
The appeal ran as follows:
If the university expects to be represented by a champion eleven this season, a stronger second eleven must be placed on the field. "You cannot make bricks without straw" holds good in football.
Unless a stronger second eleven is put forward, the hope of bringing forth a winning team might as well be abandoned.
The management is making every effort to develop new material. No man on the first eleven is sure of his position. Candidates will be given every opportunity to show what they can do. There are a dozen men in college who have not appeared on the field who have every physical qualification for playing the game, with proper training. These men refrain from practice, some from lack of college spirit, some from selfish motives, and some from pure laziness.
The management make an appeal, therefore, to the college at large to send more men out for practice that a strong second eleven may be formed to work against the 'varsity team.
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