
The Library.

The improvements on the main hall of the library are being completed much more slowly than was expected. The contractors promised to have the work done by the middle of September, but delay in getting the iron for posts and floors has unavoidably retarded the work; so that now, it cannot possibly be done and open for use before January first.

The frame work for the shelves is nearly completed and girders for the floors are being laid. There is a large force of men at work and these should be finished by next week. The first three floors will be made of perforated iron and will be wholly occupied by shelves. On the top floor will be the reading room. This will be lighted by two large sky-lights in the roof and by windows on the sides. A wide stairway will extend from the lower floor to this reading room.

The carpenters will begin their work as soon as possible, and it is hoped to be ready for the painters by the middle of December.

The historical and reference books now in Lower Massachusetts will be brought back to the library as soon as the shelves are ready; and then Massachusetts will probably be used as a lecture room again.
