
The Catholic Club.

The Catholic Club held its first monthly meeting of the year last night in Sever 5. The attendance was the largest in the history of the club and forty new members joined it in the course of the evening.

The various reports for the past year were read and then the club proceeded to elect officers for this year. The elections resulted as follows: President, J. D. M. Ford, Gr.; vice-president, D. D. Scannell '97; treasurer, F. J. Ottis L. S.; secretary, E. L. Logan '98; governing board, W, P. Cross Med.; J. A. Barnes Med.; J. J. Curry Med.; D. Murphy Med.; J. F. McGrath L. S.; J. M. Minton L. S.; W. J. O'Malley L. S.; J. D. Shea '98; C. F. Regan '98; G. C. Ward '98; G. B. Hastings '97; J. R. Healy '97; C. G. Fitzgerald '99; and the president exofflcio.

Interest in the club waned last year, but this year there is a renewed activity. The club is planning for two lectures open to the public to be given in Sanders Theatre. It is possible that Bishop Keane of Washington may speak at one of these.
