FOR SALE.- Irish terrier "Mike," 18 months old; house-broken and gentle. Pedigree. Price $25. Address, G. M. C., CRIMSON office.
TUTORING.- For the trigonometry hour examination, also in the sciences; special work done in chemistry and physics. F. L. Meredith, 50 Holyoke street. tf
A DESIRABLE room for a club table can be secured by applying to Claire F. Link, 1200 Mass. Ave.
A YEAR'S study in Germany has fitted A. W. Blakemore '97, to tutor in all German courses from A to 5. Recommended by the German department. Terms low. Address, 17 Dunster street.
WANTED.- A picture of five ex-presidents of Harvard; also other Harvard memorabilia. Room 76, Trinity Buildings, New York. 25 and 30.
MR. W. H. MCNALLY of Radford, Jones and Co., London tailors, 32 George street, Hanover Square, will be at Young's Hotel from Friday, Oct. 25, to Wednesday, Oct. 30. Appointments may be made by letter to Young's Hotel, Boston, or to Pach's studio, Cambridge. 2
A GOOD THING; push it along. Lecture on Scottish song and story. Mr. Donald Macdonald, Highland piper, open for engagements. Well received at Cornell, Princeton, Yale, Rochester Amherst and Williams. Address postal, 2 Whitmore St., Boston. Terms moderate. 2
TUTORING IN MATHEMATICS. W. H. Osborne, 27 Weld. Call between 6.30 and 7.30. 25 4t tuf
DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's classes open as follows: North Cambridge, Odd Fellows Hall, Saturday, Oct. 5, 8 p. m.; Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 8. 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st.
A VERY handsome Harvard calendar for '96 has just been published by the Souvenir Publishing Co., of Lynn.
There are twelve cardboard sheets representing the months and all have engravings of the College buildings.
TUTORING IN MATHEMATICS. Address C. L. Lawrence, 94, 6 Maple avenue. References. 25 6t mwf
The Cambridge Safe Deposit and Trust Co., at No. 1300 Massachusetts Avenue, corner of Linden street, transacts a general banking business. Checks will be cashed on any Bank or Banking House in the U. S. and interest is allowed upon daily ballances subject to check. Special attention given to accounts with officers and students of the University. Banking hours 8 to 2. Safety Vaults open from 8 a. m. to 2, and 5 to 6 p. m. tf
INSURE your furniture against loss by fire with James H. Hilton, 26a Brattle street. Drop me a postal and I will call. 8 tf
ANNOUNCEMENT.- Mesdames Cates and Hall beg leave to announce that they have opened Select Dining Tables at No. 17 Story street, Cambridge. Special attention will be paid to catering for students' clubs.
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