

USHERS for the Symphony Concerts must be at Sanders, Thursday evening, at 7.15 sharp. Get tickets from me beforehand.

F. B. WHITTEMORE.SHAKESPEARE CLUB.- Meeting Wednesday evening, Oct. 30, 7.30 p. m., at 35 Hastings. King Lear will be read.

P. K. WALCOTT, Sec.CERCLE FRANCAIS.- Rehearsal Thursday, Oct. 31 at 7.30, at 16 Quincy street. Men must learn their parts as soon as possible.

VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal this evening at 7 o'clock.

J. A. CARPENTER, Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- No invitations for the reception on Wednesday evening have been issued to members of the St. Paul's Society. Of course every member is expected to be present. To those members who have been absent from the last few meetings and are consequently uninformed about the reception, I here-by extend on behalf of the society, a cordial invitation to be present.


HAROLD E. ADDISON, Pres.ANDOVER CLUB.- First meeting of the year in Holyoke 28, Wednesday evening, Oct. 30, at 7.30. All men who have ever been to Andover are urged to be present, especially men of the Law, Medical and Graduate departments.

ADVOCATE.- Literary meeting at the Sanctum Thursday, at 4.30.

THE "Radcliffe" scrub football team is now fully organized of men from the various classes and would like games with college and outside teams. All wishing games will please correspond with C. P. Adams, 45 Oxford street, Manager.

The Perkins Hall football team is now prepared to play any scrub team in college. For dates address or see,

F. C. Wilson, Capt., 18 Perkins.ALL members of the University who wish to join the H. A. A. may do so by applying at Thurston's. Subscription $5.00.
