
Cornell Fall Meet.

At the fall meeting of the Cornell track athletic team the events were well contested but no records were broken. The results:

100 yards run-Won by J. R. Bowen '96; second, H. D. Daniels '97; third, F. W. Simpson '98. Time, 102/5s.

120 yard hurdle-Won by F. VanAnden '98; second, W. T. Yale '98; third, C. K. Conard '96. Time, 172/5s.

Mile walk-Won by E. M. Bull '98; second, E. C. Zellers; third, C. F. Hale. Time, 8m.

Mile run-J. E. Gignoux '98; second, B. H. Stebbins '97; third, H. P. Goodnow G. Time, 5m. 42/5s.


Quarter mile run-Won by H. C. Holloway '96; second, F. Y. Parsons '99; third, H. L. Taylor '98. Time, 542/5s.

Two mile bicycle-Won by E. P. Sieger '98; second, S. S. Barrett '98; third, J. R. Boskowitz '98. Time, 6m. 202/5s.

220 yard hurdle-Won by F. VanAnden '98; second, P. W. Walter '98; third, W. T. Yale '98. Time, 281/5s.

220 yard run-Won by H. L. Daniels '97; second, J. R. Bowen '96; third, W. J. Coffin '98. Time, 231/5s.
