The two debating societies of the College, the Harvard Union and the Forum will both hold the first debate of the year tomorrow evening.
The Harvard Union will meet in Sever 11 at 7.30 p. m. The question for debate will be "Resolved, That the present Sunday closing law in New York ought to be repealed." The principal disputants for the affirmative will be, H. E. Addison '96 and P. H. Hall, L. S.; and for the negative C. A. Duniway Gr., and R. C. Davis '97.
The Harvard Forum holds a competitive debate for membership in Harvard 1 at 7.30 p. m. The question will be: "Resolved, That the best interests of the country demand the election of President Cleveland for a third term." The principal disputants are, for the affirmative, F. Dobyns '98 and E. F. Southworth '97; and for the negative, W. S. Youngman, L. S., and R. G. Valentine '96. Professor Baker and Mr. Hayes will be judges.
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