TO LET.- 3 suites of unfurnished rooms, at a low price. Corner of Plimpton and Bow street.
P. BURNS.10 2t
DANCING.- Mr. Arthur Black assisted by M'lle Golelle Florence will receive Harvard gentlemen for private or class lessons in ball room, stage or character dancing. The Trilby Waltz (new). Address, 142 Massachusetts avenue, corner Boylston street, suite 4. 10 10t
LECTURES, notes, etc., are more easily read, are more compact and present a much neater appearance when typewritten. Students desiring copying of any kind can obtain satisfactory work at low rates by addressing or calling on Miss B., 1 Groveland street, North Cambridge.
CLUB TABLE.- One handsome room for a club table of twelve. Apply at once. The Peabody Club, 126 Mt. Auburn street.
8 4t
INSURE your furniture against loss by fire with James H. Hilton, 1426 Massachusetts avenue. Drop me a postal and I will call. 8 tf
MESSRS. John H. Pray, Sons and Co., carpet dealers at 658 Washington Street, who are always abreast of the times, issue an important notice regarding free delivery, to the effect that henceforth all purchases at retail will be delivered free at residences in all cities and towns within ten miles of this city.
In a large purchase of carpets or up holstery the express charges are considerable and well worth saving.
Disabuse your mind of the idea that the Crawford Shoe is a "cheap" shoe, though sold at $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00. They are as good as custom made and costs less.
YOUR college room will not be completely furnished unless it contains one of A. W. Elson and Co. 's photogravures of the Harvard Gate. For sale at Ollson's, Thurston's, Sever's and the Cooperative.
TO LET.- A large sunny room, furnished or unfurnished, with use of bathroom. Terms very reasonable. Can also accommodate a limited number of table boarders. Apply at 396 Harvard street. 9 2t
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday evening, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, is strictly for beginners, and is largely patronized by Harvard men. 9 6t
ECONOMICS 1.- A new edition of a Synopsis of Mill's Principles of Political Economy, revised to date. This book contains the main working principles of the text book of over one thousand pages. It is of inestimable aid to the student and will save hours of study in preparation for the mid-year and final examinations. For sale by Amee, Sever and Wheeler, 1284 Mass. ave.
9 3t W. Th. Sa.
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