

Work of the Eleven.- Interest in the Harvard=Princeton Game.

NEW HAVEN, Oct. 26, 1895.

The week has seen something of an improvement in the work of the eleven, the game with Williams being the best yet played on the home grounds. The new material showed up well, but new and old are open to criticism for fumbling. Captain Draper considers Yale weaker than Harvard in defense, but better in interference and sharper in play. The line is receiving more attention than the backs from coaches and captain, and an improvement in linework will make the team vastly stronger. Yale men show great interest in the Harvard-Princeton game and a large number will be in attendance. Comparative scores are of little real value but always closely watched. Our fall games come also on Nov. 2 and a larger number of entries have been received than ever, the majority, as usual, coming from the freshman class and entering in the runs. The Y. A. A. has held its second paper chase bicycle races. The '98 crew has kept a good part of last spring's form and had little trouble in winning the fall regatta, as Sophomore crews always do.

Yale looks for a strong 'varsity crew next spring, and hopes that New London will once more see the old rivals together.

A contribution has been given to Phi, Beta, Kappa by a graduate, to open a fund for the erection of a society building.

Suggestions and advice have for a long time been heaped on the Yale Union. This year has finally brought something of it, and the Union begins its year in new quarters, with a largely increased membership, more popularity and a resolution to make the most of its increased opportunities. It is very probable that several well-known speakers will appear before the Union.


