

THERE will be a meeting of the executive committee of the Civil Service Reform Club at 7.30 tonight in Holworthy 16. All members of the club who wish for shingles may obtain them from the secretary at above address.

F. H. Kinnicutt, Sec.LACROSSE.- All who can come out at 3.30 to practice goal shooting and long throwing. Graduates and undergraduates will practice separately in preparation for the games which will be played the last of the week or first of next. Every one come out at 4 o'clock. Class games will not interfere as practice will be as usual or near the Gymnasium.

W. SCOTT, Capt.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- A lecture on the molecular structure of crystals by Dr. J. E. Wolff will be given before the Boylston Chemical Club on Tuesday evening, Oct. 29, in Boylston 9, at 7.45. Open to the public. Students of chemistry cordially invited.

PUSH BALL PRACTICE.- All candidates report at Locker Building, Soldiers Field today as usual at 4.15 sharp. Ninetyeight men who are interested in forming a class push ball team to play against the freshmen can communicate with E. R. Crane, 2 Weld Hall. Football men solicited.

E. R. CRANE.THE following men will please be on Homes Field, Modnay, Oct. 28, at 3.30, sharp: H. H. Thayer '96, L. Park '96, W. E. Dexter '97, F. M. Stanwood '97, R. D. Sterling '96, H. H. Fuller '96.


The Perkins Hall football team is now prepared to play any scrub team in colege. For dates address or see,

F. C. Wilson, Capt., 18 Perkins.THE first meeting of the Catholic Club of Harvard University will be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 29, in Sever 5, at 7.30 o'clock. There will be an election of officers for the year. All Catholic members of the University are invited to attend.

ALL members of the University who wish to join the H. A. A. may do so by applying at Thurston's. Subscription $5.00.

All competitors in the fall games must join the H. A. A. before they can take part.
