
Institute of 1770.

The fourth ten of the Institute from '98 were taken out last night in the following order:

1. H. Brooks. 6. H. Woodruff.

2. N. Perkins. 7. S. Fuller.

3. G. Cozzens. 8. P. D. Rust.

4. F. Jordan. 9. E. S. Thurston.


5. J. C. Rice. 10. C. Manning.

The following honoraries were also elected: R. L. Barstow '97, L. Tuckerman '97, C. W. Stott '97, E. G. Knoblauch '96, Wirt Howe '96, Gerrish Newell '98, St. John Smith '98, A. B. Emmons '98.
