Season ticket holders must have their tickets exchanged for regular tickets at Leavitt and Peirce's before Friday.
These tickets will be reserved individually by row and number, and will be assigned on the plan of "first come, first served." Season tickets themselves will not be good at the gate.
Season ticket holders who desire to buy better seats thatn the tickets entitle them to, will be allowed the price of admission on their tickets.
Complimentary season tickets, as stated on the face, are not good for this game.
The general sale will continue today at 9 a. m. at Leavitt and Peirce's and in Boston at Wright and Ditson's. Prices are $1.50 for the two middle sections, and $1.00 for the other sections; admission will be 50 cents.
Regular Press tickets will not be good. papers intending to publish a special account of the game must apply for privileges before Thursday. No badges will be given out at the game.
Persons wishing tickets to be sent through the mail should send ten cents in stamps with their application in order to pay for registering the tickets to insure their safe delivery.
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