SHAKESPEARE CLUB.- Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24, 7.30 p. m., at 18 Hastings. "Much Ado About Nothing," will be read. Mr. Wilbour has kindly consented to read the part of Benedick.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot Thursday at 2:45. Fall handicap match and Founder's cup match will be shot.
ALL members of the University who wish to join the H. A. A. may do so by applying at Thurston's. Subscription $5.00.
All competitors in the fall games must join the H. A. A. before they can take part.
LACROSSE.- As this week is to be the last week of regualr practice all men should be out each day at 4 on Holmes. Games between the graduates and undergraduates will be played next week. There will be voluntary stick practice twice a week during the winter. New and very good sticks are now to be had at the Cooperative.
W. SCOTT, Capt.PUSH BALL.- Push ball has now taken some definite form here at Harvard and a freshman team has been organized. After the severe practice yesterday afternoon the '99 candidates met and organized themselves into a team and elected a captain. They are very enthusiastic over the new game and would like to meet ninety-eight.
ALL '98 men who want to play '99 in a game of push ball next Saturday will please communicate with E. R. Crane, 2 Weld Hall, before Friday at 4 o'clock.
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