
Ninety-Seven, 20; C. H. L. S., O.

The ninety-seven eleven defeated the Cambridge High and Latin School eleven yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field by the score of 20 to 0. The High School's line was weak and the ninety-seven backs seldom failed to make their distance through it. The first touchdown was made by Phelps after two minutes play. Shortly after another touchdown was made.

In the second half there was considerable punting on both sides. The punt was fumbled by the Cambridge Latin backs. The ball was picked up by Ladd who, after a run of forty yards, touched the ball down behind the Latin School's goal posts. The other touchdown was made by Warren after repeated gains through the line by the junior backs.

The best playing for the Cambridge Latin School team was done by Saul and Parker.

The line-up was:



Fenno, l. e. r. e., Beardsell.

r. e., Warnock.

Phelps, l. t. r. t., Jaquith.

Williams, Dexter, l. g. r. g., Warren.

Fitzgerald, c. c., Estabrook.

Ladd, r. g. l. g., Barnes, Yilton.

Pitts, r. t. l. t., Hawes.

Rantoul, Cram, r. e. l. e., Columbus.

Garrison, q. b. q. b., Saul, (capt.)

Scott, Warren, h. b. h. b., Crowley.

Prescott, h. b. h. b., Seaver.

Sanders, h. b. h. b., Parker.

Little, f. b. f. b., Parker.

Hallowell, f. b. f. b., Curry.
