

To be Given by Professors of the Institute of Technology this Season.

The schedule of the free lecture course in literary, scientific and technical subjects which the trustees of the Lowell Institute have established under the supervision of the Institute of Technology, has just been completed. Every course will consist of twelve lectures and will be given in the evening.

The opening lecture will be delivered Nov. 4 in the Rogers Building, M. I. T.

The detailed programme of the courses of M. I. T. lectures follows:

"Graphic statics with applications to roof trusses and arches," in twelve lectures, by Assistant Professor Jerome Sondericker, on Mondays and Thursdays, in Room 22, Rogers Building, beginning Nov. 4.

"Plane Analytic Geometry," Professor Dana P. Bartlett, on Mondays and Thursdays, beginning Nov. 4, in Room 26, Rogers.


"Descriptive Geometry," Assistant Professor Linus Faunce, on Tuesdays and Fridays, Room 22, Rogers, beginning Nov. 5.

"General Chemistry of the Non-Metalic Elements," Associate Professor Thomas E. Pope, on Tuesdays and Fridays in Room 35, Walker Building, beginning Nov. 5.

"Steam Boilers, Indicators, Valve Gears and Valve Setting," Assistant Professor E. F. Miller, on Mondays and Thursdays, in Room 27, Rogers, beginning Nov. 4.

"The Rise and Development of Prose Fiction in France," Professor A. N. Van Daell, on Wednesdays, beginning Nov. 8, in Room 22, Walker Building.

"Electric Light and Power Measurements," Assistant Professor W. L. Puffer, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in room 36, Rogers, beginning Nov. 12.

"Modern Geometry," Assistant Professor F. S. Woods, on Mondays and Thursdays, in room 21, Rogers, beginning Dec. 2.

"Metallurgy of Copper," Associate Professor H. O. Hofman, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Dec. 3, in room 23, Walker building.

"Critique Sur L'Architecture Contemporaine en France," with stereopticon views, in French, by Professor Desire Despradelle, on Wednesdays, beginning Dec. 11, in room 22, Walker Building.

"Contemporary European History and Literature," Assistant Professor C. F. A. Currier, on Mondays and Thursdays, in room 22, Rogers, beginning Jan. 6.

"Romanesque Architecture," with stereopticon, Associate Professor E. B. Homer, Mondays and Thursdays, beginning Jan. 6, in room 12, Architectural Building.
