

Crowding at Class Games.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The crowding of the class teams during their games on Soldiers Field is an inconvenience which could be easily remedied by the management of the Football Association.

There are no ropes around the field where the elevens play and whenever there is any game the crowd pushes in upon the players so that it is hard for them to hear the signals, and absolutely impossible to make a play around the end without dodging through the bystanders; then after almost every down time has to be taken out to clear the grounds.

The school teams that come here to play our class elevens ought certainly to be given a fair chance and they have a right to expect a clear field.

By stretching a rope along but one side of the field an enclosure would be formed as the fence is still left standing on the other three sides. This ought to be attended to before the class games begin since the crowds will then be much larger.


