
'98. 4; Whitman, 4.

The sophomore eleven played a tie game with Whiman School at Whitman Saturday afternoon. The score was 4 to 4.

Whitman scored in the first half by a long run around the end, the runner using the spectators, who had croweded on the field, for his interference. '98 played a good, sharp game, not losing the ball on four downs but once in the game. There was much fumbling, however. They did not score until the second half, when their playing was considerably better.

The line-up was:


Curtis, l. e. l. e., Gurney.


Rice, l. t. l. t., Holland.

Fuller, l. g. l. g., Knox.

Hoague, c. c., Bowles.

Graden, r. g. r. g., Hersey.

Thayer, r. t. r. t., Metevier.

Hurley, r. e. r. e., Hardy.

Valentine, q. b. q. b., O'Brien.

Sheppard, h. b. h. b., Curry.

Gibbs, h. b. h. b., Gibbs.

Flint, f. b. f. b., Barnes.

Touchdowns, Curry, Rice; umpire, Cook; referee, Whalen; linesmen, Whitcomb, Hayes. Time, two 20 minute halves.
