The Cambridge Social Union held its first public meeting of the year in Brattle Hall last evening. President J. G. Thorpe presided and addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Ely, Rev. S. M. Crothers, Professor F. J. Peabody, Mr. Ray Greene Huling, Principal of the Cambridge High School, and Mayor Bancroft. After the meeting light refreshments were served.
The Social Union will be conducted this year on the same general plan as last year but with a somewhat enlarged scope. H. S. Roberts '97 will live in the Social Union building and will be ready to help all those who come to him about the courses of instruction. Last year there were ninety students and at present there are over a hundred, while the lists are not yet complete. It is greatly desired that the work of the union should be more widely known among College men. The Educational Department is not, however, the only side of the Social Union. The other side will be in evidence at the annual social to be held on October 24, to which all members of the union are invited.
The following is a list of the courses given by Harvard men, only a very few, however, being given by others. In order that a course may be given it must be applied for by at least five members. Membership in the Educational Department costs to members of the union one dollar a year. This fee covers all the classes and members are at liberty to choose, from the list of studies, such as they wish.
COURSES OF STUDY.English 1 b. Grammar. Tuesdays at 8.30. Instructor, O. B. Huntsman '97.
English 1 c. Spelling and Dictation. Wednesdays at 7.30. Instructor, Hubbard '98.
English 2. Elocution, Debating. Mondays at 8.30. Instructor, F. Dobyns '98.
English 3. Composition and Rhetoric. Fridays at 7.30. Instructor, H. J. Holt '98.
French 2. Intermediate. Mondays at 7. Instructor, R. J. Ham '96.
French 3. Advanced. Fridays at 7. Instructor, L. A. Ames '96.
German 1. Elementary. Mondays at 7.30. Instructor, F. L. Hitchcock '96.
German 2. Advanced. Mondays at 8.30. Instructor, Paul Capron '96.
Latin 1. Elementary. Fridays at 8.30. Instructor, F. B. Cooley '97.
Latin 2. Advanced. Tuesdays at 8.30. Instructor, John Noble, Jr. '97.
Greek 1. Elementary. Fridays at 7.30. Instructor, J. C. Ward '96.
History 1. American History. Wednesdays at 7.30. Instructor, C. A. Brown '97.
History 2. English and European History. Wednesdays at 8.30. Instructor, G. H. Darr '97.
Geography. Tuesdays at 7.30. Instructor, T. S. Williams '96.
Mathematics 1. Arithmetic. Tuesdays at 7.30. Instructor, O. B. Huntsman '97.
Mathematics 2. Algebra. Tuesdays at 8.30. Instructor, R. W. Jennings '97.
Mathematics 3. Geometry. Mondays at 7.30. Instructor, Paul Capron '96.
Physics, Mechanics, Light, Heat, Electricity, etc. Wednesday at 7.30. Instructor, Waterman '97.
Engineering. Lecture on Physics, Electricity, Chemistry and the Steam Engine. Wednesdays at 7.30. Instructor, F. A. Richardson '96.
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