We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
A Plea for College Music.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
It has long been a subject for remark that the College Musical clubs have abandoned representative college music for selections, usually rather classical, not calculated to arouse enthusiasm in the audiences at their public concerts.
This is a fault that can easily be corrected by our clubs this year. There are many Harvard graduates who have entered the field of music. A selection from one of L. S. Thompson's operettas or the Pudding music or Mason or Atkinson would be vastly more acceptable than the time-worn "Blue Danube" or the badly rendered classics of the Pierian.
The same fault has been found with the Glee Club programmes of late years. Many a graduate has come to the concerts expecting to hear some of the old refrains of his college days only to be forced to listen to melodies, pretty enough, but distinctly not college airs.
This is a subject serious enough for consideration by the clubs if they desire at least a financial success.
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University Chess Club Tournament.