
Special Notice.

PRIVATE TUTORING.- F. L. Meredith, B. S. High School experience. Best references. Algebra, geometry, all sciences and literature. Leave address at 50 Holyoke street. 19 tf

TO LET, at 1691 Cambridge St., a furnished suite at reduced rate. smw

ROOMS with board at 944 Massachusetts avenue in brick block near Dana street. Terms $7.00 to $17.00 a week. Table board $5.00. 20 2t

MISS ROSE I. BYRNE of Boston, teacher of dancing and etiquette, respectfully announces the opening of her classes for dancing, at Brattle Hall, Cambridge, as follows: Friday, Oct. 18, 4.30 p. m., select class for masters and misses. Monday, Oct. 21, adults evening class at 8 p. m. For particulars address Miss Rose I. Byrne, 31 Sherman street, Roxbury, Mass. 21 5t


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