
Mr. Copeland's Lecture.

Mr. Copeland began his series of informal talks last evening by speaking upon the subject of "Reading Aloud as a Means of Appreciating Literature." A large number of students were present, and they showed their appreciation by generous applause.

Mr. Copeland told of the beauties of spoken language, and contrasted literature to the plastic arts. These latter speak for themselves, but the former must be interpreted by the voice to be fully appreciated. He cited Mr. Hill's examples of the two boys who were required to write a theme upon "Macbeth." The boy who had seen the play upon the stage produced a much better theme than the one who had studied it up more thoroughly, but had not seen the performance of the play. Mr. Copeland mentioned several masters of spoken language, among others Dr. Furness, Fanny Kemble, and Ellen Terry, as examples of the prefection that may be attained in this art, and the pleasure that such masters can afford their hearers.

Mr. Copeland urged the students to join the voluntary courses in reading and speaking, and concluded by reading selections from Stevenson, Coleridge, and Thackeray.

Mr. Copeland will give four evening lectures before Christmas, beginning the last Tuesday in November, and six more after the mid-years. He will also give five afternoon lectures between the holidays and the mid-years. These afternoon lectures only will be open to the public. Mr. Copeland does not intend to continue his lectures next year.
