
Special Notice.

TO LET.- 24 Little's; sunny southern room, second story. Last room to let in block. Big reduction in price. Apply to janitor of building. 8 2t

HARVARD PRESS ASSOCIATION.- The annual meeting of the association will be held at 22 Hilton's Block at 7 o'clock. Every member should be present.

MRS. GEORGIA PETTES will resume her classes in dancing at Trade Association Hall, Central square, next week (Thursday, Oct. 10, adult beginners). For full particulars about advanced class address 82 Franklin street.

CLUB TABLE.- One handsome room for a club table of twelve. Apply at once. The Peabody Club, 126 Mt. Auburn street.

8 4t


INSURE your furniture against loss by fire with James H. Hilton, 1426 Massachusetts avenue. Drop me a postal and I will call. 8 tf

W. E. STRATTON, teacher of banjo, guitar and mandolin; third season at Harvard; tenth at Phillips Andover Academy; pupil of J. B. Maldura, mando linist, Rome, Italy.

Luis L. Romero, guitarist; Alfred A. Farland, banjoist. A choice selection of mandolin and guitar music by the most celebrated Italian masters. Lessons given in students' rooms or at studio. Pupils coached for the coming club trials. Lessons given Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. Write or call at 396 Harvard street, nearly opposite Ware Hall.

FOR SALE.- Second hand furniture, desks, chairs, tables, rugs, etc.

ELIOT AND DUVEY, 1 Holyoke street.7 3t

A CLUB table can be accommodated at

Mrs M. E. BROWN'S, 48 Brattle street.7 3t

TWO capable men are needed to teach bookkeeping at the Prospect Union, one night a week. Also one singing teacher. Apply at once at 24 Little's, G. L. Paine.

GEO. MENDALL TAYLOR, Teacher of Voice and Piano. Coaching in songs and part singing a specialty. Residence, 349 Harvard street, Cambridge. 7 3t

GOOD table board may be secured at $5.00 per week at
