

'98 FOOTBALL TEAM.- All able-bodied men are urged to be on Soldiers Field, dressed to play at 3.45 p. m.

A. H. RICE, Capt.'97 ELEVEN.- All candidates for the '97 eleven be on Soldiers Field dressed to play at 3.30 today. It is desirable that all the men who possibly can should come out as games will be arranged in about a week and the eleven must be picked without delay.

JAMES DEAN.'96 FOOTBALL TEAM.- Candidates be on Soldiers Field at 3.30 sharp. Any man who needs clothes let me know at once.

R. DUFF, Capt.PIERIAN SODALITY.- There will be a trial of candidates for the Pierian Sodality in Roberts Hall, Brattle street, at 7 o'clock on Thursday and Friday evenings, Sept. 3 and 4. Every man who plays an instruments is urged to try. Please bring solo.

CHESS CLUB.- The first meeting of the term will be held at 7 o'clock, Tuesday evening, in 1 Thayer Hall. All chess players in the University are invited to attend.


E. E. SOUTHARD, Sec.LACROSSE practice at 3.30. All old players and all new men, whether they have ever played or not, are requested to come out. There will be extra sticks for men who have none. Practice at Holmes Field.

W. SCOTT, Capt.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- There will be an important business meeting of the society in Grays 17 on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 7 p. m. All members who were elected the last of the year and have not yet signed the constitution are urged to be present.

H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- All students of civil engineering are invited to a meeting of the civil engineering section on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 7.30, in Thayer 9.

W. H. HERSCHEL, Chairman.CANDIDATES FOR. GLEE CLUB.- Trial next Thursday and Friday evenings. All members of the University who can sing are urged to present themselves.

ANDOVER MEN.- New students from Andover can get any information they need from old Andover men at 19 Holworthy Hall, 67 college House, or 19 Thayer.
