The Harvard Lacrosse Association held a meeting last night in 25 Hastings to consider plans for the ensuing year. Owing to the reception to new students in Sanders Theatre not a large number of men were present. It was decided that a call for candidates for the lacrosse team should be issued and that, beginning with today, there should be daily practice as long as the weather permits.
If a large enough number of candidates come out class teams will be organized and a series of games for the class championship will be arranged. But whether the plan for class teams is carried out or not there will be organized at least two teams so that the men may get daily practice in team work on which the efficiency of a lacrosse team so largely depends.
The prospects for an excellent team next spring are good. Last year there were only three candidates who had ever played lacrosse before, yet a team was formed which, though beaten, was never beaten badly. This year all the members but one of last year's eleven are in the University.
The association expects to get as coaches this year several of the old members, now in Boston, of the Harvard team of '89 who were intercollegiate champions.
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