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Great interest is being felt at Cornell over the visit to England which the crew will make this year. The authorities on rowing matters consider the prospects to be very encouraging. Mr. Courtney will be on hand again to coach, and in order to give the 'varsity good practice, the class of ninety - seven has decided to maintain a crew, which will probably prove a very strong one. At the recent meeting of candidates for the 'varsity crew, forty - three men came out. There were also ten candidates for the position of coxswain, and it is expected that many more will soon hand in their names.

Encouraging letters keep coming from the captains of the English crews and others with assurances that nothing will be left undone which can minister to the comfort and pleasure of the Cornell crew. There seems to be much interest in Great Britain over the coming of the crew. Letters have recently been received from the authorities of some of the best crews in Ireland announcing that it is their intention to arrange the dates of their regattas so that it will be possible for the Cornell crew to compete in them after the race at Henley. The Irish crews are very anxious to have the Cornell crew visit them.
