Only sixteen men presented themselves yesterday at the Carey Building in response to Captain Forbes's call for candidates for the junior crew. As the hour set was too early on account of recitations for most of the men to be present, no form of exercise was gone through.
The men and their weights are: J. C. Fairchild 150, W. Greenough 148, A. M. Kales 145, C. Barrett 163, S. Heckscher 163, T. Harrison 155, W. McKittrick 150, M. Lincoln 150, S. Bell 167, B. Frothingham 145, T. C. Beebe 165, F. N. Balch 155, E. N. Jones 158, H. G. Dorman 158, G. G. Amory 170, A. R. Sheriff 170.
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