One is forced to wonder at the remarkable descriptions of student customs and student life which crop out occasionally in the public prints. They are generally written with such a complete understanding as might have come either to a book agent who has spent a few hours in a dormitory or to a man who has lunched with a friend at Memorial Hall.
In the series there have appeared recently several valuable articles on slang at the different colleges. After reading them no one can see much cause for surprise in the increasing number of people who incline to regard the college man as a consummate idiot. Some of the "slang" which is attributed to us we are able to recognize as our own, but there is much of it that sounds strangely foreign.
We do not know who are the furnishers of all this interesting information. It is scarcely possible that they are college men. But it does seem a shame that so much should go out to give the impression that the English language is quite forgotten in our colleges.
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