

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

As the time draws near for the beginning of active work by the track athletes, it may be well to call the attention of the candidates to the general interest their work will excite this year among all Harvard men. Last year it was the general impression among those who knew, that our material in Cambridge would make a team that was more than a match for Yale, but when we came to the trial of our strength we met defeat by a narrow margin.

It is this narrow margin that we must be sure to overcome this year, and I only echo the sentiments of many graduates when I make this direct appeal to all undergraduates who can be possible candidates for the team to help in the work to come. Every one who has the slightest ability on the track, or who has the inclination to try, should present himself to the captain and Mr. Lathrop as a candidate for the team. With many good men of last year's team either ineligible or out of college we are in need of material this year, and much of this material must be developed from new candidates.

It is to the track team that many graduates are looking for a victory over Yale, and if prestige counts for anything our former record, together with the dependence and interest placed in the team by Harvard men, should call for the most effective efforts this year. With this in view it is to be hoped that a good beginning will be made on Monday night next at the first meeting of the candidates by showing the largest attendance ever yet secured, in answer to Captain Bingham's call.


I would further say that at this meeting a number of our graduates who have been noted track and field men will be present to encourage and advise with the candidates for the team.

