The 'varsity crew yesterday rowed one thousand strokes, which is equivalent to several miles. Fennessy and Perkins were laid off by sickness and accordingly Hollister was put on the first crew. The order of the crew was:
Stroke, Shepard; 7, Stevenson; 6, Johnstone; 5, Manning; 4, Bullard; 3, Hollister; 2, Fox; bow, Watson.
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'Varsity Crew.With the return of Hollister and Perkins yesterday, the 'Varsity crew went back to something like its old order of
Crew Notes.The 'varsity crew rowed on the river yesterday in the following order: Stroke, R. H. Stevenson; 7, K. H. Lewis;
THE 'VARSITY CREW.The 'varsity crew rowed in the following order yesterday: Stroke, Hollister; 7, R. H. Stevenson; 6, Shepard; 5, Perkins; 4,
'Varsity Crew.The 'varsity crew has received a few changes the last few days. Yesterday Lewis rowed No. 4 in place of
'Varsity Crew.With the return of Hollister to his position at stroke, yesterday, the entire order of the crew was changed. Stevenson