
Yale Faculty and Athletics.

The Yale Alumni Weekly has the following statement of the probable attitude of the Faculty toward the athletics of the college:

"The freshman row at the Hyperion on Monday night, though it has not the slightest connection, in the natural order of things, with matters athletic, has again started the question of possible action by the Faculty on intercollegiate athletic contests. The direct result of the disturbance will be the abridgement of the particular privileges of the class in athletic sports, as furnishing the best means of punishment at hand, and the indirect result may be the opening up of the whole problem of collegiate athletics. The desire on the part of the so-called conservatives of the Yale Faculty is to reduce the proportions of athletics by cutting off all freshman contests. The opportunity for pushing such a plan is unexpectedly offered by the general desire of the Faculty to make the present freshmen suffer for their sins. If such a change were instituted as a permanent feature of Yale athletics, the effect would be far-reaching. Things have not come to such a pass yet, and they are not expected to.

"Football has of course been the most recent topic of discussion before the Faculty, and the wildest rumors have from time to time started about contemplated action. The matter has not yet been settled. It is before the Faculty in the form of a motion to prohibit all games at or near New York. It is thought that the most radical action that will be taken will be the shortening of the season by perhaps a week, so that the last game shall be played at the latest a week before Thanksgiving. But even as much action as this is doubtful.

"It seems to the outsider that there never was a time when the interference of the higher powers, so seldom exercised at sensible Yale, was less called for in the general athletic affairs of the University than at present. The whole trend of the athletic policies is toward moderation. Training for the baseball nine and the track team, generally well under way by this time, will not begin for another month or more. The base-ball management has decided to do without professional aid in coaching. Crew work was never as moderate as at present. The athletic problem seems to be settling itself to a certain extent at least. And there is pretty good authority for saying that the Faculty recognize this."
