THERE will be a meeting of the English Club on Friday evening, January 25, in 14 Matthews, at eight o'clock.
PIERRE LA ROSE, Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - The Rev. W. E. C. Smith of Dorchester will address the society in Grays 17, Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 6.45 p. m., sharp. All members of the University are cordially invited.
H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Talk on "Solved and Unsolved Problems in Charitable Work," by Hon. Robert Treat Paine of Boston, in Holden Chapel, 6.45 p. m., on Thursday, January 24.
ANY student having old clothing that he can not use will help a good cause by sending it to St. Augustine's Trade School, 187 Cambridge street, Boston. Next Wednesday there will be an "Omnibus Sale" of this clothing, as well as contributed furniture and pictures, and the proceeds are distributed among the West End poor.
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