
University Organizations.

Total Abstinence League.

This evening at 7.30 in Sever 11 Professor James will address the Total Abstinence League on "The Effects of Alcohol." Professor James has studied this subject very thoroughly and his lecture will be of great interest. All members of the University are cordially invited to attend. At the close of the meeting an opportunity will be given to join the league, whose platform is abstinence, while in college, from intoxicating liquors as a beverage.

Camera Club.In addition to the sets of lantern slides from Chicago, Toronto and Syracuse, the Camera Club will this evening exhibit sets from Buffalo and Detroit, in all about three hundred. The exhibit will offer an interesting comparison between the work of the eastern and that of the western clubs.

Freshman Banjo Club.At the meeting of the Freshman Banjo Club last evening the following officers were elected: President, S. S. Hinds; secretary and treasurer, N. Perkins; leader, R. B. Flershem.


Harvard Union.At the meeting of the Harvard Union held last evening the following officers were elected: President, R. C. Ring-walt '95; vice-president, H. A. Bull '95; secretary, C. E. Bryan '96; treasurer, C. Dickinson '96; executive committee, H. A. Bull '95, A. C. Train '96 and J. P. Gately Sp.

Pedagogical Club.Mr. Samuel T. Dutton, Superintendent of Public Schools, Brookline, will address the Harvard Pedagogical Club today at 4.30 in Sever 11. Subject: "Some Effects of the Enrichment of the Course of Study." Mr. Dutton is one of the foremost school superintendents in New England and is an interesting and forcible speaker. He was among the first to recognize the need of enriching the elementary curriculum and he has been working for some years at the practical enrichment of the course of study in the Brookline schools, which now rank with the best in the country. All members of the University are invited to be present to hear this prominent educational leader.

Republican Club.Mr. John W. Goff, Recorder of the city of New York, has consented to address the Republican Club in the near future. The exact date of the address has not yet been determined.
