The announcement that the time is near when Holmes Field is likely to be finally given up by the athletic teams will probably bring forth some vigorous protests from graduates, many of whom have an attachment for the old field, to which the change will be a great blow.
We believe the undergraduates also will be opposed generally to making the change until the ground is absolutely needed for the erection of new college buildings. The great convenience of the field is something which has often been remarked upon by outsiders, but which is perhaps not fully appreciated by men here. There is no question but what it has done a great deal to contribute to our success in track athletics in the past. As it is now many men exercise on Holmes Field during the spring season who could never be induced to go down across the river.
Baseball too would probably suffer by the change, though perhaps not to such an extent. The games could hardly seem the same, for, as almost every one noticed during the football season, Soldiers Field lacks all the charm which Holmes Field gains from its nearness to the college buildings.
We believe we voice the sentiment of a great majority of students when we ask the Corporation that so long as is possible the teams be allowed to use the old field.
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