
Mott Haven News.

Fifteen Harvard men have entered for the Worcester Athletic games which take place Saturday evening, January 26, in the Worcester skating rink. With the exception of the half-mile and 600 yards novice race, all the events are open. The track is fourteen laps to the mile with raised corners and the men will have ample opportunity to test their speed. These games will give the runners experience which ought to be of great value in the more important games of the B. A. A. First and second prizes are given in each event. The Harvard entries are as follows:

40 yds. dash - C. S. Fuller '96, H. V. Hubbard '97, A. M. Eaton '97, F. B. Fox '96, F. H. Bigelow '98, R. W. Bull L. S. S., V. Munroe '96, E. Alden '97, W. R. Brinckerhoff '97.

Mile walk - H. A. Reed '97, W. Munroe '96.

Running high jump - G. C. Chaney L. S., W. E. Putnam, Jr., '96.

Pole vault - W. W. Hoyt '98, W. E. Putnam, Jr., '96.


600 yards run - R. W. Bull L. S. S.

Mile run - H. G. Gray '97.

Today the different candidates for the short distances will run on the board track.
