
Holmes Field to be Abandoned.

Baseball and Track Athletics will Follow Football.

The present attitude of the Corporation in relation to the use of Holmes Field for athletics make it a practical certainty that after this year they will cause baseball and track athletics to be removed to Soldiers Field. It was at first the intention of the Corporation to prohibit further use of the field this spring, but the chairman of the athletic committee said last night that in all probability no change would be made till after Commencement.

The ground for the Corporation's action seems to be that as Soldiers Field is adequate for all the athletic interests of the University, and as Holmes Field will be required eventually for buildings, the change may as well be made this year as later. There is no reason to suppose that any immediate use of the field for other purposes is contemplated at present.

The athletic committee are in favor of keeping Holmes Field for baseball and track athletics as long as possible, but all authority in the matter rests with the Corporation. Unless, therefore, they should in some way be induced to change their attitude the present academic year will be the last in which Holmes Field will be used for athletic purposes.

Captain Whittemore of the ball nine was seen last night and asked what he thought the effect of the change would be. He said: "Personally I should feel very badly to see Holmes Field given up. Our field is one of the few where there is an atmosphere that impresses both spectators and players with the fact the games are strictly college affairs and this feeling would be quite lost on Soldiers Field. It is a great question in my mind whether or not the new field would be in condition to play on until late in the spring and we might lose much valuable practice if we were obliged to wait for the ground to dry. I hope Holmes Field will not be given up until it is really needed for building purposes."

