The battery candidates have been working faithfully in the cage for almost two weeks and some fair material is being developed from the new men. Several among the catchers show promise of doing well and the chance of developing a good substitute catcher from among these is good. None of the new candidates for pitcher have succeeded in controlling the curves which Mr. Keefe is endeavoring to teach them, but it is as yet too early to look for any great improvement in that direction. The daily practice in the cage is omitted on Saturday and the men who pitched last year are given very light work in order that they may not get stale before their real work begins. The new men are being worked somewhat harder in order to bring out what they really have in them.
Immediately after the mid-years the rest of the candidates will be called out, and such practice will be begun as it is possible to carry on in the cage. As soon as the weather permits in the spring a diamond will be laid out on Soldiers Field and the 'varsity will begin their practice there instead of on Jarvis as in former years. When Holmes Field is dry the 'varsity will play there as has been customary.
Captain Whittemore will probably play second base this year unless a good second baseman is developed, in which case he may play short-stop. Winslow, who played short-stop on last year's team, will try for third base and it is probable that Hayes will try for first base. E. V. Lacey who is in his second year in the Law School and who has played first base on the Amherst College team will also probably try for that position.
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