Bishop William Hare of South Dakota spoke last night at the invitation of the St. Paul's Society, in Sever 11, taking as his subject "Christo et Ecclesiae." He said, the most striking thing about these words is that they are in the dative case. It is not merely two words, "Christ and the Church," but the dative case is used, grammarians tell us, to name one for whom something is done or to whom something is given. So we are to work for Christ and His Church.
Now who is this Christ for whom we are to work and to whom we are to give ourselves? John tells us that "in the beginning was the Word," not the Word began when other things began, but that then He already existed. Christ is eternal and He is everywhere. God has created us and loves us. Therefore when men do wrong Christ is ashamed and hurt just as a father is if his son sins. Christ, then, came into the world and took all our sins upon Himself and died that we might live, and in His death our sins are dead. This is the Christ to whom we give ourselves. Can there be any one who is not willing to work for Him who has given Himself for us?
A man's body serves to express the thoughts of his mind. The church is the body of Christ and through it He has expressed His thoughts and wishes. For example, it might seem that the conversion of the great Anglo-Saxon race called for a personal manifestation of Christ, but He brought it about through the church, His body. Ethelbert married a Christian princess and so the church was introduced into England. If the body of a man will not express his thoughts he is very unhappy and takes little interest in life. So when the church will not express the will of Christ He must be unhappy. Each one of us is a member of His body and is responsible for the proper action of it. Let each one then be loyal to the Church and make of it a body in which Christ really lives.
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