
Crew Notes.

'Varsity Crew.

The University crew candidates were again given an outing yesterday. This time a game of hockey on Puddingham's Pond, Chestnut Hill, was substituted for the usual long walk, taken on alternate days by the two squads. The game lasted for two hours and resulted in a tie, 2-2.

Junior Crew.During the past few days F. N. Watriss '92, who so successfully coached the '96 crew last year has been looking over the new candidates for the junior crew and it is expected that he will be able to continue coaching the crew this spring. The number of candidates has increased so that, there are now twenty-three men trying for the crew. More candidates are expected to come out in a few days and after the mid-years several of last year's crew will begin rowing again.

Sophomore Crew.The first squad of the sophomore crew took a long walk after the regular gymnasium work yesterday afternoon. The second squad rowed in the rowing room of the Gymnasium, and afterwards took a run to Porter's Station.


Freshman Crew.Mr. Legate coached the first and second freshman crews yesterday afternoon. The men were given practice on the different parts of the stroke for half an hour, and finished by rowing a quick stroke for several minutes. Gillespie, who has been sick, resumed work and rowed number three on the first crew for a short time. The make-up of the first crew was: Stroke, Goodrich; 7, Perkins; 6, Riggs; 5, Ames; 4, Aldrich; 3, Butler; 2, Woodward; bow, Rice.
