ENGLISH A, 7, and 2. - Tutoring. No men taken after January 15.
R. E. GREGG,tfmt
19 Ware street.TUTORING in Physics B, Physics C, Physics I, Math. A, Math. D, Engineering 1a. Three years' experience.
A. E. DOUCETTE,84 4t*
24 College House.NOTES in Fine Arts 4 and Fine Arts 1 will be on sale at Thurston's after the last lecture.
F. J. V. DAKIN.TUTORING in Mathematics A, B, C, D, E, F, 2, 3, 5, and Engineering Mathematics 1a, Ab. Preparation for entrance and mid-year examinations in mathematics. Call or address,
JAMES W. GLOVER,94 Hammond street.LOST. - A seal-skin glove, near Harvard square. Finder please leave at 1 Ware Hall, and receive reward.
BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.
6 tfTUTORING in Government 1, History 1, 10, 11, and 12, Fine Arts 4, Greek 10, Semitic 12 and Philosophy 5.
2 Manter Hall.TUTORING in Fine Arts 1, 2 and 3. Address
F. J. V. DAKIN,84 6t
Care of Thurston.FULL and complete notes of this year's lectures in History I will be placed on sale at Thurston's immediately after the last lecture. Price $3.
F. J. V. DAKIN.Thirty-five Yale graduates are studying in graduate departments at Harvard this year. There are 8 in the Graduate School, 19 in the Law School, and 8 in the Medical School.
Clarence H. Dempsey and Miss Lucy W. Warren of the graduating class of Boston University have been chosen as speakers at commencement. Junius T. Hanschitte and Miss Mary H. Cowell have been appointed alternate speakers.
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