CRIMSON. - Meeting at 1.30 sharp today. It is of the utmost importance that every editor be present.
HARVARD UNION. - Members are invited to be present at the debate to be held in Boston with Trinity Club, at eight o'clock tonight. The meeting will be held in the vestry of Trinity Church, entrance from Clarendon street. Collation at the close of the debate. Mayor Bancroft of Cambridge will preside.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - The 'Varsity Banjo Club picture will be taken at Pach's Tuesday, January 15, at one o'clock. All who played in the fall concert be present.
W. D. BROOKINGS, Leader.'96 CREW. - Row at 4.15 p. m. today.
F. M. FORBES.'97 CREW. - Second squad row at 3.30.
F. K. KERNAN.HARVARD FENCING CLUB. - Professor Rondelle will give instruction to members on Monday and Friday evenings, 7.30-9.30. All are urged to take lessons.
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A. G. THACHER, Sec.SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND REPUBLICAN COLLEGE LEAGUE. - Meeting of the executive committee in 22 Hilton Block, Monday, Jan, 14, at 2 p. m.
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