
The New Football Rules.

There are a number of changes in the football rules this season, which tend to change the game in several directions. The new rules have been framed with the idea of bringing about a more open game and eliminating those features which were thought to be a detriment to the sport.

The most important change is perhaps regarding momentum or flying mass plays. The new rule provides that not more than three men shall group for a momentum-mass play more than five yards back of the point where the ball is put in play. The close mass plays, such as the revolving wedge and the "turtleback are of course not prohibited by this rule.

The other changes apply more to the details of the game. The penalty for off-side playing, interfering with the progress of the game, and unnecessary roughness, has been increased. The penalty for interfering with a fair catch or for any "piling on" after the referee's whistle has blown is 15 yards.

Then the change of the length of the halves to two of 35 minutes instead of the old regulation of two of 45 minutes is an important innovation, tending to make the game quicker and more lively. The old form of opening play has been abolished and the new rules require a bona fide kick of more than ten yards. A new official has been added, to be known as a linesman, whose duty shall be to keep time, mark the distance gained, and give testimony to unnecessary roughness, offside play, and holding.

There are several other minor changes in the rules, but these mentioned are the more important ones.


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