
Special Notice.

TO LET. - Very pleasant rooms for students. One fine suite. Board and room together if desired. 18 Sumner street.

1 5tFOR SALE. - Good open stove, $7.00. Inquire of G., care of Porter, College House.

tf.DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 9.

1 tfFOR RENT. - Two suites and three single rooms. Very desirable. 153 Mt. Auburn street.

1 3tTO LET. - Two large square connecting rooms. Together or separate. Fine location on corner. Plenty of light and air. Furnace heat. Bath on same floor. Rent reasonable.


W. H. & G. F. WENTWORTH,854 Main street,

2 to 4 p.m.

Cambridge.THURSTON has opened a new department at 440 Harvard street, having taken the agency for Wright & Ditson's Fine Athletic Goods. A full line will be kept in stock and special attention will be paid to filling orders promptly. See advertisement in other columns.

1 tfA STUDENT taking advanced courses who wishes to live in a family where German is spoken will be accommodated at Mrs. Winther's, 21 Trowbridge street.

2 4t

DON'T BUY PENCILS. - Drop in at Pach's, take a look around the interesting studio, and get a first-class lead pencil free. We are giving them away to Harvard men for a few weeks.

2 10t*HILTON. - Suite B, to let; bedroom, bathroom and study. Apply to 25 Ware Hall, P. O. Box 906, Worcester Mass., or janitor of Hilton.

NOTICE TO STUDENTS. - The Harvard CRIMSON will be found on file every morning for the convenience of students at the store of Newman the Shoeman, 420 Harvard street, opposite the College Library.

FOR this week only there will be a new and novel entertainment at the Columbia Theatre. Lottie Collins's Troubadours, directed by Cooney and Harris, and Lottie Collins herself in her new creation the "Devilbird."
