
Reception of New Students.

The annual increase in the number of new students means increased difficulty in promptly and efficiently placing needed information within their reach. But the Committee on Reception has made such arrangements that every student who desires information will be able to obtain it at once. The headquarters of the committee during the three busy days, today, tomorrow and Thursday, are in No. 2 University Hall, on the first floor. From nine in the morning until four in the afternoon members and representatives of the committee will be in attendance to distribute circulars, elective and departmental pamphlets, maps of Cambridge, lists of rooms and boarding-houses, and to answer inquiries regarding whereabouts of officers of instruction and government, buildings, streets, etc.

The printed circular on the opening of the College year contains a directory of all advisers, representatives of departments, instructors, administrative officers, and chairmen of committees. This circular will be ready this, Tuesday, morning.

Inquiries concerning college studies, examinations, admissions, etc., should be made of the officials in No. 5 University Hall, second floor.

There will be a meeting of welcome in Sanders Theatre on Friday evening at eight o'clock, to which all members of the University are invited. It will be followed by a reception in Memorial Hall at which new students will have an opportunity of meeting President Eliot and most of the members of the Faculty.

Some forty undergraduates are associated with the committee in the work of giving information and answering inquiries. The members of the committee are Professors Shaler, de Sumichrast, Peabody, Howard, Cummings and Messrs. Schofield, Gr., R. W. Emmons '95, E. H. Warren '95, J. C. Fairchild '96, and R. H. Stevenson '97.

