
Interscholastic Meeting.

The ninth annual meeting of the Interscholastic Athletic Association will be held Saturday afternoon on Holmes Field. The meeting promises to be a most interesting one. Since the Mott Haven team has stopped training, boys from the neighboring schools have been allowed to use the track. There will be an important chang in the list of events this year which seems likely to make the meeting more interesting. Throwing the baseball will be dropped out and the one mile run substituted. The former event has always proved tedious and slow and the mile run will tend to enliven things. It seems probable that first place will go to Worcester High. This school had no trouble in winning the indoor winter meeting, its nearest competitor being Worcester Academy. Roxbury Latin is strong in the field events and promises to make a good bid for second place. In the other schools are several very good athletes who will doubtless carry off a few of the prizes.

The games will commence at two o'clock.
