
Vacancies in Board of Overseers.

The vacancies to be filled in the Board of Overseers on Commencement Day, Wednesday, June 27, are five for the full term of six years, in place of Messrs. W. G. Russell, S. A. Green, C. F. Adams, C. C. Beaman and Augustus Hemenway, whose terms expire on Commencement Day. W. G. Russell declines to be a candidate for reelection. There is also a vacancy to be filled for the unexpired term of two years, caused by the death of Professor H. W. Torrey. The following have received the highest number of votes of the alumni of Harvard and their names will appear on the official ballot: Class 1875, Augustus Hemenway; 1861, C. C. Beaman; 1851; S. A. Green; 1871, William Lawrence; 1869, F. D. Millet; 1864, E. P. Seaver; 1876, F. C. Lowell; 1865, J. R. Chadwick; 1878, John Homans, 2d; 1861, A. H. Hardy; 1848, T. C. Clarke; 1858, G. A. Wentworth.
