
Special Notice.

WILL the man who took my notes for a recent make-up examination kindly return them immediately.

H. A. CUTLER, 8 Holworthy.WANTED.- Within a short distance of the Yard, three rooms with board for six persons for June 20, 21 and 22. Address giving description of rooms and terms, "L," CRIMSON office.

IRISH Terriers, Scotch terriers, bull terriers, greyhounds, bull dogs, field spaniels and St. Bernards for sale. Finest pedigreed stock in this country, winners of all the principal prizes at leading shows. Must sell at once as I leave for England. Geo. S. Thomas, 4 Dearborn St., Salem, Mass. 89 tf

GET your daily themes and college papers bound.

Get your books packed for shipment by a man who knows how to handle a book.


Leave your books here during the 'vacation and have them ready bound for your shelves in October.

MCNAMEE, Bookbinder.89 tf

RATES to all points South and West, via Baltimore and Ohio R. R. New York, Baltimore, Washington, etc., or boat to Baltimore.

H. C. WRIGHT, 18 Trowbridge St. S. B. HECKMAN, 24 College House.FOUND.- In Thayer Hall, a coat. Owner can have it by proving property and paying for advertisement.

J. E. COWART, Jan. Thayer.
