
Special Notice.

ALL subscribers to the Portfolio may obtain books at the place where they signed the blue-book. Books are now on sale at Amee's, Thurston's, Sever's, Leavitt and Peirce's and at the Cooperative.

HARVARD-YALE RACE.- Round trip tickets good going to New London the day before the race and returning the day after, $4.00. Round trip tickets good on special trains the day of the race $2.50.

LEAVITT AND PEIRCE.LOST.- Under grandstand at Yale game yesterday, a blue mackintosh with pearl buttons. Finder will receive liberal reward if returned to Leavitt and Peirce's, Harvard square.

TO LET, FURNISHED.- The Whiting House, 9 Waterhouse street, fronting Cambridge Common, near College Yard, finest location in Cambridge.

ELLIS AND MELLEDGE, Harvard Square or 72 Equitable Building, Boston.The S. S. "Miranda," which has been chartered for Dr. Cook's Arctic Expedition, will be anchored at the finish of the Harvard-Yale course, affording an excellent chance to view the race. Tickets will be sold for $1.00 each, and may be had of Maynard Ladd, 9 Matthews Hall, or at a place to be announced later.


ONE single and one double suite are to let in Quincy Hall. Enquire at McNamee's Bindery, 418a Harvard street. 80 tf

WANTED.- Some senior to buy $26.00 worth of florist trade at 15 per cent discount. Address, Business Manager, CRIMSON office. tf
